Certification Process

Application for IAATI Certification as Certified Vehicle Crime Specialist is a two-stage process:

Stage 1. Completion of the application form which provides your personal and background information.  Qualifying points are allocated for each relevant employment experience, prior education and training.   To be considered for Stage 2 applicants must achieve qualifying 100 points and be a member of IAATI.

All applications will be reviewed and verified by IAATI’s Certification Committee and applicants will be advised of the Committee’s decision. This process may take up to 6 weeks.  

Stage 2.  Those members whose applications have been verified and confirmed will be then be invited to complete stage 2.   Upon payment of the Certification application fee (see below), members will be provided with details of how they can access the IAATI Certification Reference documents and access to the online IAATI Certification Exam.   The Certification Exam is a multiple-choice exam and applicants must achieve a score 70% or higher, to be granted status as an IAATI Certified Vehicle Crime Specialist. 

To assist IAATI members become an IAATI Certified Vehicle Crime Specialist the IAATI Training and Education Committee has produced a set of educational support manuals.  These manuals have recently been updated and serve as the reference texts from which the exam is based.   As such all applicants should read these documents before sitting the exam.

The exam and support materials are accessed online.   Details of how to access the IAATI Training materials and the IAATI Certification Exam are only available once step 1 of your application has been reviewed and approved by the IAATI Certification Committee and the appropriate payment has been received.  

Certification Validity:

IAATI Certification is only valid for a period of 3 years and is conditional upon the holder maintaining their IAATI membership during the term of their certificate.   If their IAATI membership lapses for a period or more than 60 days their certificate will become invalid and they will need to reapply for certification, including resitting the test.  

Members may apply to renew their Certification for another 3 years, any time 6 months prior to its expiry date and up to 31 days after it has expired, without the need to re-sit the test.  However, applicants must submit evidence of continued employment and/or training in the area and must be a member of IAATI.  (See the separate Application for Renewal of IAATI Certification for more details.)

Applications for renewal more than 60 days after the expiry date of a previously held certificate will be required to reapply as a new applicant, pay the full application fee and re-sit the exam. 

 Certification Fees: The following fees apply for the IAATI Certification Program:

1. Stage 1 Application: Free

2. Stage 2 Application Fee $US 75 (or $US 25 for members of the Latin American and Southern  Africa Branches).


3. Renewal Fee  $US25 (or $US10 for Latin American and Southern Africa Branch members). Applicants can apply to simply renew an existing certificate for a further 3 years (without re-sitting the exam), if they meet the following criteria: a. They apply prior to the expiry date of their current certificate, or within 60 days of its expiry, b. Provide documentary evidence that they have achieved 100 points of continued training and participation in the industry since their last certificate was granted, and c. They are still a financial member of IAATI. If they do not meet this all of these criteria they will be required to complete a new Application for Certification, including paying the application fee and re-sitting the exam.

4. Exam Re-sit Fee  Members who fail the exam may re-sit the exam a second time without charge.  If they fail a second time then fee of $US 10 is charged for each subsequent re-sit of the exam.

  No refunds will be provided after the payment has been processed, including if the applicant elects not to sit the exam. Failure to take the exam within one year of acceptance date will result in forfeiture of the application process.

For more information please contact:

IAATI Certification Training Program 

Email: training@iaati.org
